Axelent safeguarding industry with the help of SV Tech

SV Tech is located in South Korea’s fourth largest city, Taegu. The population is 2.5 million and the textile, leather and metal industries are flourishing. More stringent industrial safety regulations has created opportunities for Axelent’s Korean agent.




What products do you sell?

We focus solely on X-Guard Classic in Korea.

How many employees do you have at the company?

We are presently seven at head office.

Which industries do you target the most?

Basically all industries, but our main focus is on vehicle, automation and robotics industries.

What are Axelent's strongest points?

If we’re talking about the Korean market, Axelent's products are quicker and easier to install than our local options. X-Key is another great product for quick and smooth handling.

What are the advantages of being part of the Axelent Group?

The Axelent Group is an experienced global group, so there is plenty to choose from. As it’s a well-known group it gives the customers a sense of stability.




Jae-Geun Choi, vd, SV Tech

How do you and your customers feel about Axelent being a Swedish company with its own production plant?

Our customers put great trust in this in the knowledge that Axelent always delivers on time.

What does the future hold?

I’m happy to say that we at SV Tech are looking at a very bright future. At the end of 2017, industrial safety laws were tightened in South Korea, leading to companies striving to improve their work environments, which opened the door for X-Guard. Being able to offer reduced installation times thanks to X-Guard is a good sales pitch. We have meetings with many large companies and we see a great future potential.

Photo: Jae-Geun Choi, CEO, SV Tech

Flag of South KoreaFACTS | SOUTH KOREA

South Korea, or formally the Republic of Korea, is one of Asia's more democratic countries.

It is also one of the world's most densely populated. Three quarters of the population live in the cities with half living in the six largest.

Roughly 51 million


Official language

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